We advocate for a safer, fairer, and more sustainable New Haven.
Our vision.
We envision a New Haven where residents from all neighborhoods can safely and easily travel without a car anywhere they want to go. We believe in Vision Zero, pushing New Haven to eliminate all traffic fatalities.
Our mission.
The Safe Streets Coalition is a diverse, citywide group of pedestrians, cyclists, public transit riders, and drivers who advocate for just, safe, accessible and sustainable transportation in New Haven, focusing on underserved communities first.
Our members.
Safe Streets members include advocacy veterans, policy experts, New Haven newcomers, students, and community members born and raised in this City. We are always looking to better represent our City, so please consider being a part of our team!
Some of our Guiding Principles:
We believe that streets are made for people.
We believe that car crashes are not accidents. They are the result of failed design.
38% of greenhouse gas emissions in CT come from the Transportation sector. We believe that our car-dependency in our cities is a blip in the timeline of humanity, which we must move past quickly.
In 2021, Safe Streets New Haven helped push a state-wide effort to submit written testimony to, and testify at the CT Legislature’s Transportation Committee in favor of HB 5429, which would help make our streets safer.
What We Do:
Advocate at the City and State level for better policies and infrastructure.
Educate our leaders and neighbors through webinars, campaigns, and rallies.
Build coalitions within our City and State so that we can speak and act together, so that we can all move forwards together.
Learn more about what we’re working on on our Projects Pages!
Some of our Top Priorities:
Improve reliability
Increase frequency
Keep them free!
Build and maintain sidewalks
Add protected bike infrastructure to all streets larger than small local streets
Convert wide one way streets to two-way streets
Connect towns with bike lanes and separated infrastructure (greenways)
Legalize and implement automated enforcement
Reduce/eliminate parking minimums